Local Harvest: Sustainable Produce Distribution & Fresh Products in Maui

Local Harvest is dedicated to local sustainability for Maui. Steve is a co-founder of Upcountry Sustainability, and founder of West Maui Sustainability and the local representative of PROUT, an organization working for local cooperative-based economies worldwide. He oversees Local Harvest, which includes local produce distribution to stores and restaurants, Island Fresh Delivery (delivering produce boxes to homes), the Sattvic Kitchen brand of products (mac nut spreads, salad dressings, juices, nut butters and honey), and Napili Farmers Market.
We started Local Harvest in 2011 when we realized the need for greater food security on Maui. The small beginning included myself (Steve Phillips), a minivan, and our condo closet as a warehouse. Step by step we increased our sales, our warehouse space, our delivery vehicles and our farmer contacts.
Local Harvest is dedicated to local sustainability for Maui. Steve is aco-founder of Upcountry Sustainability and the local representative of PROUT, an organization working for local cooperative-based economiesworldwide. He and his wife Ana own Local Harvest, which includes Local Harvest produce distribution to stores, restaurants and food hubs on four islands, Island Fresh Delivery (delivering produce boxes direct to homes on Maui), the Sattvic Kitchen brand of products (mac nut spreads, salad dressings, salts, juices, nutbutters and honey), and Napili Farmers Market.
We believe in the right to a healthy life for all beings of this planet. We believe that all essentials of life should be provided locally through the cooperative system.
We are on a mission to feed an Island with local food.
We offer fresh produce from 150 local growers, plus 30 value-added products.
Island Fresh Delivery
(808) 664-1129
Local Harvest
Sattvic Kitchen
Napili Farmers Market